2010 brought about a flood of new consumer protection acts complete with the Fair Credit Billing Act. Have you ever taken a look at your credit card bill and been shocked at your balance only to find out you were billed twice or three times for an item or transaction? Well this is where this Act comes into place. Before this act you were at the mercy of the credit company to take your word that you were overbilled and hoped that they would fix the problem. Now there are official steps you can take to ensure you aren’t overbilled at the mercy of these companies. 

2010 brought about a flood of new consumer protection acts complete with the Fair Credit Billing Act. Have you ever taken a look at your credit card bill and been shocked at your balance only to find out you were billed twice or three times for an item or transaction? Well this is where this Act comes into place. Before this act you were at the mercy of the credit company to take your word that you were overbilled and hoped that they would fix the problem. Now there are official steps you can take to ensure you aren’t overbilled at the mercy of these companies. 

If you find that you have been overcharged or double-charged, the first step is to contact the company that made the mistake. If they are unwilling to fix the problem, follow these steps to protect your rights

To be clear the Credit Billing Act covers these types of errors: 

Your obligations: 

While the dispute is being processed you must pay your bill as usual for all parts not including the disputed amount. If it is part of a credit card payment, be sure to at least make your minimum payment so you don’t end up with a late on your credit history. 

Creditors Obligations: 

The credit company must respond to your request within 30 days of you reporting the error. If the response is any longer you are not required to pay the disputed amount. You must be able to prove this information so be sure to send your letter certified to prove when the company received your statement.

Next Step                                                     

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