Praxis Credit does not need a referral from Realtors & Lenders in order to provide services, however it's wise for both sides to have an ongoing conversation. As an established lender and banking institution, it's beneficial for everyone involved to be on the same page regarding credit. While we may not be required to address all items raised by the lender, having communication is always beneficial.
When seeking a referral, please follow these steps:
1. Meet With Your Loan Office and Lending Agent
This is an essential step. Doing so will let you know ahead of time that you have been approved to purchase a certain number of houses, helping avoid disappointment when searching for your ideal home only to discover that it's not possible.
Option 1 - The ideal option - You obtain your Letter of Support/Paper that informs the Realtor that you have met all qualifications to purchase and the amount owed.
Option 2: Have Praxis Credit Consulting send an email introduction to your lender for you.